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She knew that the sobs of the black woman up until now had crept through the wooden walls, further stimulating the wild beast’s hunger. The beast is trying to break into the house. It scratched a few times, then stopped. A moment later, outside came again the sound of flexible, crept footsteps. Footsteps stopped at the window. CYCLING I DON’T RIDE MY BIKE TO WIN RACES POSTER. Good God, Jane Potorova whispered. She had seen the large head of a lion in the window covered with a wire mesh. Its sparkling eyes shone directly at her. Look! The girl exclaimed. Exmeranda! What to do now? There, at that window? The black woman who was crying slowly raised her head just as the lion shook his head. The thing she suddenly saw under the dim moonlight in that window was too much for her to bear. Holy Gabrien. She let out a cry and then fell unconscious. Time stood still. The lion had placed its fore legs on the windowsill, and peered into the room. Suddenly it shook the net. The white girl was so scared that she wanted to stop breathing. She could only continue to breathe when the lion’s head outside disappeared and heard its footsteps fade away. But a moment later, that footsteps resounded from the doorway.
Cycling I don’t ride my bike to win races poster
The lion is back. If Potorova knew that the door was made very firmly, then surely she wouldn’t be so afraid. Because she did not know, she just sat trembling in bouts, imagining the pain when she was torn to pieces. For twenty minutes the lion stopped sniffing back to scratch the door. Occasionally it let out a growl. Then it gave up its intention to attack at the main entrance. Potorova heard the sound of a lion’s feet walking towards the window. The iron net vibrated. The animal fell back. However, after a blow, a couple of the wooden slats were broken. The lion continued to attack. By the third dash, a piece of net was torn. Immediately the lion jumped up, stuck its head and one leg inside. It uses both its snout and legs to break the net. Each time its soft body inched a little deeper into the room. The girl stood still as if in a dream, her eyes stared blankly at the muzzle of an animal that was less than two meters away. Under her feet, the black woman was still lying unconscious. If the black woman woke up, maybe two people might find a way to get rid of the animal. Thinking like that, Potorova bent down, grabbed the black woman’s shoulder and shook: Exme, Exme, woke up. Help me. Wake up quickly or we will die.
The black woman slowly opened her eyes. The moment she saw the lion’s jagged teeth, she rose, and rushed into the corner of the room: Goodbye to Gabrien. Please save me. She cried out her tongue. Hearing the cry, the lion immediately stopped. He watched the black woman crawling under the cupboard. But she could barely feed her head. Since she didn’t know where to hide the rest of her body, she just let out a voice and passed out. Looking at the black leather bait, the lion continued to break the net to plunge deeper into the room. CYCLING I DON’T RIDE MY BIKE TO WIN RACES POSTER. The white girl was now pale pale. She leaned herself against the table to keep from falling and looked around to see if there was any hiding place. Suddenly her hand touched something hard on the table. It turned out to be a handgun. Clayton seemed to have known she would need it. The girl grabbed the gun, pointed it at the animal and squeezed the trigger. The gun flared a red flames. There was a loud explosion in the room. The lion let out a cry of pain. Potorova saw the beast disappear from the window when she fell to the ground because she was so exhausted. But the lion is not dead. The bullet just grazed and wounded it slightly, and was only enough to startle it.
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After a few minutes, it reappears by the window. With frantic power, it crashed its head against the window. Although it was in pain, it was much more energetic when it saw that the prey was near, the prey was completely helpless without any intention of resisting. Potorova opened her eyes when the animal was half way into the room. Death has appeared. The girl thought to herself and was suddenly out of fear because she was completely hopeless. She took the gun, but not to attack the beast but pointed it at her temple. She wanted to commit suicide. She glanced over at her black servant, who was lying on the edge of the cupboard, collapsed. What needs to be done with this faithful servant. Potorova crawled closer to Exmeranda. But she saw the beast screeching. Looks like it wants to step back to get momentum. So everything is over. She shook the trigger trembling. Gunfire. But it was strange. She felt a certain pull from the outside pulling the lion back.