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You can jump through my window down the street. Hurry up! The dancer had just finished speaking, heard footsteps rumbling down the stairs. There was someone’s cry. It is clear that Tacoma and Apadula were discovered. The people in the yard looked up and rushed up the stairs. The first to run up stumbled upon the tip of Tac’s sword, waiting. He screamed in pain and fell, falling to the top of the group below. In a moment the group fell down like an umbrella of corrugated iron. HIPPIE GIRL GLASSES YOU ARE POSTER. The old, rickety staircase could not bear the weight and vibrations of the belligerent crowd. A slow crack sounded. The wooden staircase as if angrily clenched its teeth and slammed to the ground. Meanwhile Tacch, Apadula and the dancer standing from above looked down in surprise. Hurry up! The dancer urged again. They will run up the stairs to the other side. Don’t waste time! When the three of them ran into the room, Apadula heard the voices calling to each other in the yard. They called each other to run into the street.
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So we are blocked from the road! Hearing the voices of people in the courtyard, the girl cried out desperately. How? We also you? Yes sir! The girl sighed, suffering. They will kill you and me too! The voice of the dancer awakened Tacdang. It turned out that up until now he had been delighted by the adventurous, exciting fight that he forgot that Apadula and the girl were in real danger of death. He withdrew just because he obeyed the two of them and because he protected them. If he was alone, as from the past up to now, he never took a step back. He can leap amidst those belligerent hordes and wreak havoc with his jungle powers. And now, the girl’s words forced him to think again. You must be held accountable for the lives of these two loyal Arab friends. Thinking so, Tacdang jumped up the window step, stretched out to observe. But he could see nothing on the ground. Fortunately, he found out that the roof was very low. He called for the girl to come closer then picked her up, folded her face over his shoulder. Wait here! I will come back to you. Author turned to speak to Apadula. Pull everything in the room to block the door. That can hold them back.
Cling for sure! The painting reminded the girl and climbed the roof from the window step, as gentle and deft as an orangutan. After placing the dancer in a safe, discreet place. The actor turned back by swinging his way along the eaves of the roof. The Arab boy ran to the window. Give me your hand! Author whispered. The people chasing them ran to the door. Just a moment later, the door was smashed open. HIPPIE GIRL GLASSES YOU ARE POSTER. At the same time Apadula felt herself being thrown up high, as light as a sphere. In the blink of an eye, he found himself sitting on the roof. Those people rushed into the dance room. On the ground, the rest had spilled onto the street, gathered under the windows, and looked up. Sitting on the roof, the three people heard the Arabs quarreling in the dancer’s room. Apadula translated for Author. They quarreled with ambushers down the street. The men on high said that the men below let us escape. And the guys down here are sure we’re not down yet, somewhere in the house. The floods in the sky are cowards who refuse to look carefully. They began to threaten each other because both groups were outraged. Finally, the people in the house stopped searching, continuously dragged each other down to the cafe.
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Some of the men below were still holding weapons on the street and continued to argue. Author thanked the girl, for she had devoted herself to the life of a completely alien man like him. I like you! The dancer interrupted Tac Dang naturally. You are not like the other guests. I do not talk to you in a vulgar way. Even the way you give money to me does not seem to be blessed or alms. Then what will you count tonight? The author asked worriedly: I can’t go back to the cafe anymore. And in general, it is not possible to stay in Sisiah of Aisa either. Maybe they will forget everything tomorrow. The girl replied. But I will be very happy if I don’t have to go back to this coffee shop and the whole city of Aisa. In my mind, I don’t want to stay in the bar for an hour. They were exiled and kept me there. They have locked me up? Tao cried out. You are a slave. The girl said: One night, bandits kidnapped me from home, dragged me here and sold me to an Arab. That person is the owner of this shop. It’s been two years since I haven’t seen my parents’ faces. Her parents live in the South. Never did you two think that I was taken to Sisomea Aisa.