TRENDING Poster In the storm Jesus walked on the water

4 min readDec 26, 2020


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That sounds fine, replied Bond, eyebrows raised at this secret act. Mathis didn’t notice. He placed the unpacked apparatus on the floor, next to the un-lit control panel under the electric heater. It was just past eleven o’clock, he spoke, and I know the Compagnons de la Chanson choir must be on medium-wave from Rome. They are touring around Europe. Let’s see how the transmitter receives the wave. POSTER IN THE STORM JESUS WALKED ON THE WATER. Just a fair test. He winked. Bond noticed Mathis turned on to full volume, red light indicating the long band was lit even though the movement remained silent. Mathis fidgeted behind the machine. Suddenly, a frightening roar of static electricity roared throughout the small room. For a moment, he looked at the machine generously and then turned off, his voice filled with disappointment. Sir, please forgive me for the bad wave detection And Mathis bent over the dials again. After a few adjustments, French music came out and he walked over to Bond, slapped his back so hard and squeezed his hand so hard it hurt.

Poster In the storm Jesus walked on the water

Bond smiled back. What the hell is going on? He asked. Dear man, Mathis rejoiced, he was revealed, exposed, exposed. Up there, he pointed to the ceiling, at this moment Mr. Muntz or his fake wife, heard bedridden with the flu, was deaf, absolutely deaf. And I hope I’m writhing in pain. Mathis grinned amusedly at Bond’s skeptical frown. He sits on the bed, tore a pack of Caporal cigarettes with his fingernails. Bond waited. Mathis was pleased at the sensationality of his words. He’s serious again. I don’t know how it happened. They must have watched him for days before he arrived. The opponents here are really strong. Above him are the Muntz family. He is German. She’s from somewhere in Central Europe, probably from Czechs. This is an old fashioned hotel. There are unused chimneys behind these electric heaters. Right here, he was just inches above the mantelpiece, with a powerful radio receiver hanging. The wire runs up the chimney into the back of the Muntz’s fireplace, where an amplifier is located. In their room was a tape recorder and a pair of headphones, which the couple took turns using. That is why Mrs. Muntz with the flu had to eat in bed, and why Mr. Muntz had to stay by his wife’s side, instead of going out to enjoy the sunshine and the gambling of this delightful resort.

We know some of these details because we French are very intelligent. The rest was determined by unscrewing his electric heater a few hours before he got here. Suspiciously, Bond walked over to the fireplace and examined the screws that attached the panel to the wall. Their grooves showed very small scratches. Now is the time to act a little more, Mathis said. He stepped in front of the radio, still playing a tight tune to the three-man audience and turned off the engine. Are you satisfied, sir? POSTER IN THE STORM JESUS WALKED ON THE WATER. Mathis asked. He noticed how clear the voice was. Aren’t they a great choir? He sketched out a meandering gesture with his right hand and raised his eyebrows. They sang so well, Bond replied, that I wanted to hear the rest of the show. He grinned as he thought of the angry glances the Muntz family must be exchanging over there. The machine itself seemed to be amazing. Just what I’m looking to bring to Jamaica. Mathis ironically frowned and moved back to Rome’s show. You and your Jamaica, he said and got back on the bed. Bond frowned at Mathis.

Top Selling Poster In the storm Jesus walked on the water

Well, the story was done, complaining is also useless, he said. We are not waiting for the cover to last for long, but it is worrying that the enemy takes action too soon. He searched his mind for a clue, but to no avail. Could the enemy have cracked one of our codes? If so, it is better to roll it home. You and your work will surely be exposed. Mathis seemed to read Bond’s mind. It couldn’t be due to the code, he said. And if we do, we tell London right away and they’ll change their password. We could tell you we caused a commotion. Mathis smiled with the satisfaction of a friendly opponent. Now we get to work, before our brilliant choir runs out of breath. First he whiffs his lungs with a breath of Caporal. The gorgeous Bond girl frowned, it was absolutely stunning. Liked by Bond’s reaction, Mathis continued: Black hair, blue eyes, and mum blushed. Before and after, he added.

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